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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Book of the Week: Amazing Me

On Friday I was fortunate enough to attend a training by the ever-engaging children's author and speaker Julia Cook. If you do not know about Julia Cook you can learn about her here and you will be excited! She has written over 70 books and is motivating to students and teachers alike. One of her more recent books is entitled, Amazing Me-It's Busy Being Three is our book of the week.  Amazing Me, has been endorsed by the CDC to highlight developmental milestones within a story for kids. Amazing Me follows Joey through his 3rd-year and all the things he is able to do. Co-written with a pediatrician, Laura A. Jana MD, this book works well for both parent knowledge and child engagement.

As you can see above every page/event corresponds with a early milestone. This book is important as children love stories and parents may not know all the milestones that a typical child reaches through this year. At the end is a checklist for all 3-year-old milestones in all areas of development. At the end of the book it also has tips for parents if a child is not meeting their milestones.

Yet another bonus is that it free for parents or professionals. You can get a copy here- printable copy or digital copy. You can also get it on the app store here.

Additional Links for Developmental Milestones:

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