Monday, May 11, 2015

Better Hearing and Speech Month: Listen Up!

This week, we are encouraging both students and staff to Listen Up!  Several years ago, our school district moved to 1:1 technology, which has been completely amazing.  Student engagement and learning continue to grow and evolve.   It has been a very rewarding experience, and we welcome the continuous learning that comes along with it.

With the increased use of technology in our school as well as at home, we find ourselves becoming hearing cheerleaders.  (I can't think of one student who does not have some type of gaming system, iPhone, iPad, etc. at home.  It's our reality.)  So, we created two Listen Up! posters that we shared with the classroom teachers and have posted throughout the school.

We included several QR codes for students to scan which link to an interactive sound ruler at Noisy Planet, a hearing loss simulator at Starkey Hearing Technologies, and a video.  You can access video here or watch it below.

If you're looking for other helpful websites for hearing, check these out!

Kids' Quest (offered through the CDC)
Kids Health
Noisy Planet
McGraw Hill: How You Hear
The Interactive Ear

The Interactive Ear
The Interactive Ear is presented by Amplifon

This is probably my favorite!  It's called Dangerous Decibels: Virtual Exhibit.  It's an interactive site where kids can learn about what sound is, how we hear, how loud sounds really are, how sounds are measured, how to save your ears, and a hearing loss simulation.  This site also includes a test at the end of if you'd like some type of assessment of learning.

Finally, we are also offering hearing screenings to staff one day before school and another day after school.  It'll be helpful for them and a great skill brush-up for us!

What are you doing to raise awareness during BHSM?

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