Friday, June 19, 2015

Smash Ball? A What? All in the Name of Therapy Fun

Last week I was walking through the mall and noticed a kiosk where people were throwing something that looked like water balloons, but they were not actually breaking.  I moved closer to check it out and learned about the Smash Water Ball. A sticky water filled ball that when thrown flattens and then regains it shape..At the mall they were a bit over priced, so I went home and read some reviews online before deciding to buy a box of 12 on Amazon. I did. I bought a whole box partially because reviews stated they amazing fun and partially because one Smash Ball cost 5 dollars but the box cost 12 dollars. It mostly came down to price:

Here is the package:

Here is what it looked like in action........

This is how it worked in therapy. We laid out the cards and then the student would aim and hit a card. If they said their sounds, sentences or answered a question, my students were able to keep the cards they "smashed." Now for a demo.....

Here are my Pros and Cons with this product for therapy:

Pro: They are fun to play with and they stick to any flat surface
        They can be washed with a little soap and water to get dust off
        Stress relief for kids or adults
        Goes back to its original shape easily.
        Affordable at $1.05 each if you buy 12
        Motivating to all of my summer kids ages 2-17
        Works great with articulation, language or more-

       Plasticky smell when opened
       The first one leaked after two hours
       A little too sticky for the wall (does ok with the door or table vs. paint)
       Must not squeeze too hard or they also will break

Overall the water ball was very motivating to my students and was minimal prep for me!

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