Sunday, June 28, 2015

Weekend Warriors 3-2-1 Teacher Bio

Its been another happy summer week off and I am enjoying catching up on blog reading, summer reading and some fall planning. As I was blog reading yesterday, I came across the Weekend Warriors  Linky, put out by Bright Concepts 4 Teachers. This month's theme is the 3-2-1 Teacher Bio. After reading and enjoying several, I thought it would be fun to also participate.

Here is how it works:

So not to confuse, I am the "Annie" half of the 2speakright team:) and here are 3 things about the teacher me:

1. Organized, yet Flexible-I have worked for the past decade with pre-k to High School, switching every few years. In every setting I have had to have a daily plan, but often the plan has to change based on students level of engagement, behavior or what is going on in the school. I cannot plan to pull a student from class when they are having a party, assembly, taking a test, or when they really need to be there for something new. I learned to have a schedule that can be switched, rotated or flopped so every student gets the speech/language intervention they need. 

2. Technology: Like my students I am a bit apathetic to lessons that are not interactive. I am fortunate enough to work in a district that is 1:1 based and so I have had access to some amazing learning tools. Currently I work in a 4-8 building and service students who are in 4th and 5th. I find that my students need less fidgets as they are using their fingers more on their own device. I can link to videos in a safe way through Zaption or other sites and it keeps the kids engaged and I feel empowered when I create learning in a new way. Technology brings me nerdy joy!

3. Teamwork: As it states above, I work best in a collaborative team. This is true for most effective teachers and speech pathologists. Our ideas get better when we talk together. I have been lucky enough to be a part of strong teams for most of my career. The past two years I have been able to blog, create and collaborate with my office and blogger friend Angie. I would say I am a much stronger SLP as a result of this alliance.


1. Trivia: I am a bit wild about Trivia, especially pop culture, movies, celebrities or news. I also love playing any trivia based game. 

2. Summer: I love all things summer including (but not limited to): Reading, going to the cabin, free time, my patio garden, camp fires, grilling and relaxing. It gives me time to reorganize, reflect and recharge to be better at my speech school game. 


If I could choose an amazing thing to do, it would be to see and climb the great wall. It has always been my travel dream.

Click the photo below if you also want to link up and give your 3-2-1 Teacher Bio-


  1. I am totally with you loving summer! How cool you're good a trivia. I know a lot of random stuff - but nothing that would help during a game that means something!!

    ☘ Molly
    Lucky to Be in First

  2. Summer is the best! I'm 100% with you on that! I also love trivia, but it's been so long since I've played (beyond Jeopardy by myself). Have a great summer!
    On the Go Teacher Mama

  3. I am with you about loving summer! I love how it is more laid back and mater what is going on. I love that you use technology in your classroom. I too, have a 1:1, am always looking for new ideas! I am going to go check out Zaption! Thank you for sharing.

  4. You are so right! We need a plan, but we have to remember to be flexible. This job is full of surprises and last minute changes, so you have to learn to roll with it. Summer is the best! I hope you continue to enjoy your time off. Thank you for linking up with us for Weekend Warriors this month!

    Primarily Speaking

  5. Climbing the wall of China is the best bucket list item I have read yet!
    We can dare to dream, right!
    Thanks so much for linking up with us!

    Mrs. DiBenedetto's First Grade Critter Cafe
