Saturday, August 29, 2015

Book of the Week 8/31/15


Marshall Armstrong is new to school and he seems different in every way. He has pale skin, he does not write a regular bike, or eat regular cafeteria food. He invites the whole entire class to his birthday party and most of the kids are reluctant to go to the “new kid’s” house. When the guests arrive there surprised and excited by the turn of events. This colorful and interesting tale is easy to relate to, for those kids at a new school, or for those students who are just getting to know new classmates.  We are using this in our speech room this week to kick off the beginning of the school year, but also start the year with some perspective taking.

Book Preview:


Quality- the standard of something as measured against other things of similar kind
Metric- the measurement system based on the meter
Countryside-land or scenery in a rural area
Crisscrossed-lines intersected
Wrapper-a piece or paper or foil protecting something sold
Fuzzy-having frizzy, fluffy or frayed texture
Medicine Ball- a large heavy solid ball thrown and caught for exercise
Perspective-point of view

Literal Questions:

Who are the main characters?
What grade is Marshall starting? 
What does Marshall's watch have instead of hands? 
What does Marshall eat instead of the school lunch?
Who says reading the newspaper is good?
Does the Narrator want to Marshall's house for his Birthday party? 
Who rides down the fireman's pole? 
Who gives the kids monster gripping paws and key rings at the end of the story? 
Did the Narrator enjoy Marshall's party? 

Inferential Questions:

What is the name of the Narrator? Why do you think that? 
The narrator predicts that everyone will have a terrible time at the birthday party, but why?
What does the phrase "hot and bothered?"
What do you know about Marshall based his desk? 
What do you know about Marshall based on his birthday party? 
Why does Marshall worry about the Ozone Layer do you think?

Extension Activities For Back to School:

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