Sunday, August 23, 2015

Book Of The Week: The Kiss That Missed

The Kiss That Missed by David Melling

The little Prince misses his dad's hurried but royal goodnight kiss.  The kiss sails through his room and out the window.  The loyal Knight is summoned to retrieve the kiss through the wild woods filled with big and hungry animals.  His adventure continues on his mission to save the kiss!


  • squawk-to complain loudly
  • mount-to climb
  • gallop-to ride a horse at full speed
  • hot pursuit-following closely to catch someone
  • swoop-to move down suddenly from above as if to attack
  • leer-to look or smile in a sneaky and untrusting way
  • lumber-to move in a clumsy way

What were the characters' names?  Why do you think the author did that?
When did the story take place?  Use evidence from the illustrations.
Why do you think the King was always in a hurry?
Why do you think the King had the Knight follow the kiss instead of giving the Prince a new kiss?
What kind of knight was the Knight?  How do you know that?
Give two words to describe the dragon.
How would the story's ending have changed if the dragon was not friendly and helpful?

Extension activities:

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