Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Book Of The Week: Creepy Carrots

Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds

Jasper loved carrots, especially carrots from Crackenhopper Field.  He couldn't get enough of the fat, crisp carrots.  He loved that they were free for the taking, eating them as a snack on the way to school, on the way to Little League practice, and on the way home at night.  He absolutely loved them, until they started following him.  The tucnktunktunk of creeping carrots sends Jasper into a paranoia, leading him to build a fence around Crackenhopper Field.  Unknown to Casper, the carrots have their own plan!


  • passion - a strong feeling of excitement for something or about doing something
  • crisp - hard; and makes a sharp sound when broken or chewed
  • yank - a strong, fast pull
  • victory - success in defeating an an enemy or opponent 
  • sinister - looking like something bad, harmful, or dangerous may happen
  • ridiculous - very silly or unreasonable
  • hatch - to create or make something in a secretive way
  • patch - a small area that is different from the area around it

Literal Comprehension:
Who liked to eat carrots?
Where did Jasper eat the carrots?
What was following Jasper?
Where did they follow him?
What did Jasper do at the end of the story?

Inferential Comprehension:
How did Jasper feel when he ate the carrots?
Why did Jasper think that the idea of creepy carrots was ridiculous?
What did Jasper's parents think about his fear of the carrots?
Who was sneakier: Jasper or the carrots? Why do you think that?
How did Jasper's feelings change throughout the story?
Could this be a true story?  Why or why not?

If you're looking for a fun video that talks a bit more about the illustrations of the book, check out this video!

We also have a FREEBIE at our TPT store that you can find here.  It compliments the video fairly well.

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