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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Book of the Week: Martin's Big Words

Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport and illustrated by Bryan Collier

This book shares about Martin's life, his response to seeing a "white only" sign at a young age, and his fight for civil rights.  The simple and direct language of the text provides students with an easy read while maintaining the integrity of King's legacy.  The full-color pictures help highlight the major events.  

  • hymn - a song or poem written to praise
  • preach - to present or talk about a religious subject
  • minister - a person who can perform or help at a religious service or event
  • citizen - a person who is a member of a country because of being born there or accepted by law
  • arrest - to stop and keep someone from breaking the law
  • blistering - extremely hot
  • protest - a statement or action by a group of people who want something to be changed
  • equal rights - the same rights for all people
  • convince - to have someone believe or accept what you say
  • segregation - separating people by groups, especially by race
  • admire - to look up to someone; to have a lot of respect for someone
  • Nobel Peace Prize - an international prize awarded every year in several different categories including peace

How did Martin feel when he read the signs that said "white only?"  What did his mother tell him?
What did Martin become when he grew up?
What did Martin say when others said "hate?"  What did he say when others said "separate?" What did he say when others said "war?"
What happened when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man?  When and where did it happened?  
What were some of the things Martin did with the black Americans to protest for equal rights?  
What was Martin's dream?
What did Martin Luther King Jr., win?  Why did he win it?
What happened to Martin when he went to Memphis, Tennessee to help garbage collectors who were on strike?

Need some MLK activity ideas?  Check these out!
MLK Foldable - Classroom Creations by Melissa
MLK Poster Activity - Curriculum Castle
MLK TimeLine and Activities - Kennedy's Korner
MLK Quotes to Illustrate - The Teacher Next Door

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