Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Introducing Fractions!

This is the first year I've taught math after 12 years of speech--language, and I have to admit, it's been kind of fun (when I know what I'm doing)!  

The students just came back from spring break on Tuesday and only have three days of school this week.  What new math concept can I possibly introduce in three days that they are going to  be motivated enough to do and retain?   Seriously, I cannot compete with a short week AND a three-day weekend that includes oodles of candy and treats.  AHA!  A video!  Of course!  This video was a great introduction:

In fact, they enjoyed the video so much, that we watched a second video the following day:

During the first two days, we used a fabulous activity from Mr. Mault's Marketplace: A  Fraction Flip Book: An interactive Math Manipulative for Grades 3-5.  This activity was great for helping the students to understands fractions as a shaded circle and on number lines.  It also serves as a great visual resource for them.

Tomorrow, we will be using a Jellybean Fraction activity, that you can check out here for free.
I know they are going to love using jellybeans them.  I'm just hoping they'll make it through the activity without asking a thousand times if they can "eat them when they are finished."  Of course they can; I don't want them back!

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