Sunday, April 3, 2016

Book of the Week: 21 Elephants and Still Standing

The Brooklyn Bridge took 14 years to build and had many delays. Residents on both sides of the bridge eagerly awaited its completion to make travel easier. In Spring 1883 it was finally complete. Writers and Residents of the area speculated, "How strong was the Brooklyn Bridge?" Never missing an opportunity to promote his circus troupe, P. T. Barnum offered to test the bridge with his 21 elephants. So on an early May morning, the people of the New York area watch with surprise and delight as P.T. and his large crew sauntered across the new construction. Geared toward 2nd and 3rd grade students, but can be used with text dependent questions for older students to think critically about what they read. Written by April Jones Prince. 


Gawking: Staring
Pillars: tall structure or column to hold up a building or bridge
Sauntered: walked slowly 
Onward: moving in a forward motion
Savored: enjoyed a moment 


What was the story mainly about? 
Who was PT Barnum? Why was he important?
Why did they name it the Brooklyn Bridge? 
How many year did it take to build the bridge?
What does the word sweetheart mean? 
Why were New York and Brooklyn excited about the bridge? 
What was the worry about the new bridge? 
Why did PT Barnum want to lead his Elephants across? 
Do you think PT Barnum was brave? Why or Why not? 
Was his idea successful? How do you know? 
When the news came that the Elephants made it across, did this help ease people's minds about the safety of the bridge? Why or why not? 
Was this a good title for the story? Why or why not? 
What would you change to title to? 
Did you you like this story why or why not? 

Extension Activities: 

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