Sunday, May 1, 2016

Book Of The Week: One Fine Day

One Fine Day by Nonny Hogrogian

Summary: A curious fox sneaks milk from an old lady.  She becomes angry and cuts off his tail, only willing to sew it back on when he bring her milk.  The fox goes through great lengths to get his tail back, as he negotiates with the cow, the field, the stream, and the fair maiden among many others.

  • lap - to drink by lifting up the tongue
  • fair - to look nice or pleasing
  • maiden - a young woman or girl who is not married
  • peddler - someone who sells good in the street or from door to door
  • fetch - to go somewhere, pick something up, and bring it back
  • clever - smart
  • desperate - having almost no way to escape or find a way out
  • miller - a person who works on a mill which is a place to make grain into flour
Where was the fox traveling?
Why do you think the fox was thirsty?
Why was the woman mad at the fox?  
What did the woman do to the fox when she discovered he drank her milk?
How did the fox feel when the old woman chopped off his tail?
What did the cow want the fox to do?
What did the field want the fox to do?
What did the stream tell the fox?
What did the fair maiden want from the fox?
What did the peddler want from the fox?
What did the hen want?
What did the miller do for the fox?  How was this different than everyone else?
What was the lesson you learned from this story?
Share three details in the story that the author uses to show that this story is nonfiction.

Extension Activities:

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