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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Book Of The Week: Library Lion

Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen

Summary: Miss Merriweather has very strict rules in the library, and everyone must obey them, including Lion.  Lion follows the rules and helps Miss Merriweather by licking stamps, dusting books, and anything else she needs.  When Miss Merriweather falls, Lion breaks a rule to help his friend.  After helping Miss Merriweather, Lion knows he has broken a rule, and sadly leaves the library.

circulation desk - the main desk or area at a library, usually near the entrance, where books are checked in and out
particular - certain or specific
card catalog - a file of cards used to find a books in a library; it has been replaced by searching on computers
nervous - feeling worried about something
stride - a long walking step
demand - to ask with force; something that must be done
stern -  firm and determined; not flexible
encyclopedia - a book or set of books that has information on many subjects
nervous  - feeling worried about something
well-suited - just right for something
scowl - an angry frown
familiar - to know about something or someone 
circle back - to come back another time

Who surprised everyone when he came to the library?
How did Miss Merriweather react when she found out there was a lion in the library? How would you have reacted?
What kind of a character is Miss Merriweather?
What were some of the ways Lion showed he liked the library?
What did Lion do that made Miss Merriweather angry?
Why do you think Lion roared when he found out Story Hour was finished?
What were some of the tasks Lion did to help Miss Merriweather?
What happened to Miss Merriweather when she tried to reach the book that was too high?  What could she have done differently so that she didn't fall?
Why did Lion roar at Mr. McBee?
What happened to Miss Merriweather after she fell?
Why didn't Lion return to the library?
What was the new library rule?
How did Miss Merriweather change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?
When might it be okay to break a rule?
How would the story be different if Lion was an elephant?  A penguin?  A monkey? 

Find a reading of the book here!

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