Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Book Of The Week: I Just Don't Like The Sound Of No!

I Just Don't Like The Sound Of No! by Julia Cook

This week, I had no difficulty picking out a book for this post!  It's definitely summer time, and by that, I mean more quality time with my kids.  I absolutely treasure this time: going to the zoo, the park, and on walks, but on some days, I am ready for a full day back in the classroom, especially when they do not accept "no" for an answer!  

I love this book, and so does my daughter, who seems to challenge me the most.  In fact, she knows when she has had a day full of "RJ challenges" and will often ask my husband or I to read this book to her before bed.  It's amazing how well she relates to RJ and how this book has helped her say "OK" instead of "NO!"

Summary:  RJ does not like the sound of "no!"  Instead, he asks for a "maybe" or a "later" at home, at school, and in the community.  It's not until he becomes a member of the "Say YES to NO Club" that he begins to learn how to accept "no" for an answer and add his name to the Star Board.

schedule - a list of times when things will happen
disagree - to have a different opinion
appropriately - to be right for a certain time or place 
"running the show" - to be in charge
official member - to be part of a group or club
"thumbs up" - to show approval or support 
to knock someone over with a feather - to surprise someone
to spoil your appetite - to make you eat less at the next meal

What does the word "no" mean to you?
When was a time you were told "no?"  How did it make you feel?    What did you do about it?
What steps did RJ use to accept "no?"
How do you feel when you accepted "no" in an expected way?
Share a time when you accepted "no" in an expected way.
What steps did RJ use to disagree with someone?
How do you feel when you disagree in an expected way?
Share a time when you disagreed with someone in an expected way.
How did these skills help RJ become more successful at school?
How can these skills help you become more successful?

Extension Activities:
Boys Town Training or you can download our FREEBIE here!

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