Sunday, October 9, 2016

Leonardo The Terrible Monster by Mo Williams

Leonardo is not very good at being a monster, in fact he is TERRIBLE at it. He does not have 1642 teeth, gigantic features or weirdness like other monsters. Even though Leonardo lacks natural ability, he has research skills and makes a detailed plan to scare the tuna salad out of someone. After Leonardo finds his perfect “Scaredy- Cat” Sam, he realizes it is better to be a wonderful friend than someone scary.

What is Leonardo’s problem do you think? 
Who is scarier Tony or Eleanor? Why? 
Would you rather have 1642 teeth or be a giant monster? Why? 
How did Hector scare people? 
Was Leonardo scary at all? Why or why not? 
What was Leonardo’s plan? Do you think it will work? 
What does it mean to research something? Have you ever done that? 
Was Leonardo successful with scaring Sam? How do you know? 
What did Leonardo decide to become? 
Was Leonardo a wonderful friend? How do you know? 
Did you like the book? Why or Why not? 

Scaredy-Cat- Someone who scares easily.
Snapped - Saying something mean as a comeback. 
Research- looking up information.
Candidate- a person who is nominated for a role or certain job.
Unsuspecting- does not suspect anything to happened. 
Wonderful- extremely good or great

Don't Have The Book? 

Extension Activities

Lesson Plan Ideas

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