Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Book of the Week: The Three Snow Bears

The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett

When Aloo-ki's huskies float out to sea, she goes looking for them.  While looking for them, she stumbles upon an igloo that she decides to visit.  The story takes off from there, reminiscent of a familiar tale.

huskies - dogs that have thick fur and are often bred to pull sleds in arctic areas
ice floe - a large piece of floating ice
stroll - to walk slowly
mound - a raised pile
fringe - an edge of hanging threads
adrift - moving or floating without being steered
sloshed - to move with a splashing sound through water, mud, etc.
wail - to make a long, loud cry
bellow - a loud, deep shout or cry

Where do you think Aloo-ki lives?  Why do you think that?
Why does Aloo-ki have a team of dogs instead of just one dog?
What kind of a girl is Aloo-ki?  Wha makes you think that?
Why are Aloo-ki's actions unexpected?
How would you feel if someone entered your house and used your belongings in the way that Aloo-ki did?  Would you have reacted the same way?
Why were the huskies bouncing around and smiling at Aloo-ki when she left the bears' house?
What story is this similar to?  Explain your thinking.

Don't have the book?  No problem!  You can watch it here:
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