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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Talkitt App

A few years ago I was able to work with a middle school student who had cerebral palsy from birth. This young man like many with CP, had great receptive understanding but struggled with the motor planning and coordination needed for gross motor, fine motor and speech sounds. He loved writing stories and as a reward for being on task he would get to have 20 minutes over my lunch with me so I could type for him. He would tell a story and I would type it. He at times would be very frustrated by the mistakes I made in typing his stories or the frequency he was asked to repeat. Over the past week I read 2-3 articles about the Talkitt App made by Voiceitt Inc.. It made me think of my lunch companion as he was not interested in traditional speech generating devices when we trialed them. How this app would change his world.  Please watch the video below for more demonstration:

The creators are a company called VoiceItt and are based out of Isreal. They are still raising funds to fine tune this app. What I find to be especially amazing is that they say it will benefit users of all languages.

Additional Resources:,news-19279.html

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