Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Book of the Week: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

In this book, Wolf (Alexander T. Wolf or Al) retells his version of what truly happened in the story of The Three Little Pigs. He claims he was baking a cake and ran out of sugar and simply went to the pigs houses to borrow a cup of the sweet stuff.  Unfortunately, he also had a cold and his sneezes knocked down the poorly designed houses made of sticks and straw. The pigs not being so bright both hid in their houses and were accidentally killed. At the third house smartest pig said mean things about his granny. The police and reporters caught up with Wolf and changed the story. This fractured fairytale is a fun version of events to compare with the traditional story and to discuss point of view.

Story Questions:
What is a Narrator?
Who do you think is telling the story?
Is the story told in 3rd person or 1st person?
Do you believe the wolf when he says he is nice? Why/why not?
What do you think will happen with the sugar? Do you remember that in the last story?
Why is it a bad idea to build your house out of straw?
What does he do with the 1st pig? Did this make your opinion about the wolf change?
What happens at the 2nd house when he rings the door bell?
What happened when the wolf sneezed again?
What kind of house does the last pig live in?
Do you think this story will end the same?
Where do you think the story took place.?
What happens at the 3rd house when he asks for sugar?
What does the pig say about the Wolf’s grandma
Do you think the wolf deserved to go to jail? Why or why not?
Did you like the story why or why not?

Shame- Painful feeling of humiliation
Bright- Producing a lot of light.
Impolite-opposite of polite
Rude- not respecting others
Fellow- a person or man
Scene –a view (like looking at a picture or movie)
Jazzed- fixed up or made up

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