Saturday, November 14, 2015

Book of the Week: We Gather Together...Now Please Get Lost!

We Gather Together...Now Please Get Lost! by Diane deGroat

The day of Gilbert's field trip to Pilgrim Town doesn't go completely as expected.  Gilbert wakes up late, gets to school late, and doesn't get to choose his buddy for the field trip.  He is stuck with tattle-tale Philip.  Philip seems to ruin all of the fun until Gilbert devises a plan to lose him.  As luck would have it, his plan backfires, and Gilbert learns he has something for which to be thankful.


  • absent - to not be in an expected place
  • settlers - people who settle in a new area
  • harvest - the gathering of crops
  • feast - a large meal with many different types of foods
  • slouch - to sit in a bent or lazy way
  • blacksmith - someone who shapes iron with heat and hammers 
  • tattle-tale - someone who tells on others or tells their secrets
  • restroom - a public bathroom
  • anxious - to feel worried or nervous

Figurative Language:

  • to wake up with a start - to wake up suddenly and startled
  • to get up on the wrong side of the bed - to start the day tired, lazy, or grumpy
  • to have your stomach growl - to have your stomach make a low, rumbling noise, usually because of hunger 
  • hard winter - a very cold winter with a lot of snow
  • to stick together - to stay together even if things are tough
  • to get lost - to tell someone to go away in a rude way
  • slip into the restroom - to go their in a quiet and sneaky way so others do not see
  • to turn red - to feel embarrassed

Literal Comprehension Questions:
Why was Gilbert so tired in the morning?
Who was Gilbert's teacher?
Who was Gilbert's partner?  Was he happy with his partner?  Why or why not?
Where was Gilbert's class going on their field trip?
Where did Gilbert go to hide from Philip? What happened?
Who helped Gilbert get out of the bathroom?
What did the students do after Gilbert and Philip joined the rest of the group at the end of the story?

Inferential Comprehension Questions:
Why couldn't Gilbert fall asleep?
How do you know that Gilbert was tired when he got up?
Why did Gilbert and Philip sit quietly on the bus?
Where were the students going on their field trip?
Why did Gilbert run ahead of Philip when they got to Pilgrim Town?
How did Gilbert feel when he was stuck in the bathroom?
Why did Gilbert think Mrs. Byrd would be mad when she picked them up at the Lost Child Corner?
Why did Philip turn red at the end of the story?
Would you want to be Philip's friend?  Why or why not?

Check out these great resources to accompany the book!

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