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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Better Hearing and Speech Month Kick-Off

May will be here in a few, short hours, which means that the kick-off for Better Hearing and Speech Month is here, too.  YIKES!  How am I not ready for this?  Wasn't it just the start of April?  I always seem to find that May sneaks up on me.  Maybe it's because we just finished state testing.  Maybe it's because the end of the school year is winding down.  Maybe it's because I'm just that forgetful.  Who knows!?  What I DO know is that I always find a way to make BHSM happen!

With last minute evaluations in full-swing, I wanted to share several resources that I've found over the last few months that have been helpful for me in the screening and evaluation processes.

Informal Elementary Language Sampling Checklist
This resource is thorough, comprehensive, and well-organized.  I really like this checklist because it covers so many areas, including listening comprehension, semantics, morphology, fluency, oral peripheral, intelligibility, MLU, literacy/narrative skills…and I could go on and on.

Preschool Speechie has several great resources for the pre-school population. These are very easy to use…check out their TpT store.  Here are just a few:
          Following Directions Hierarchy
          WH Hierarchy for Pre-Schoolers
          Language Sample Summary Preschool Checklist Part 1
          Language Sample Summary Preschool Checklist Part 2

The Helpful Counselor
This pragmatic resource is a four-point rating scale for the pre-K and elementary levels.  It focuses on three main areas: social play and emotional development, communication, and emotional regulation.  These three areas are further  broken into more specific areas.  It's a very helpful resource in looking at student strengths and needs.

Do you have any great resources to share?  Please comment on them!

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