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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Puppet Pals 2 in the Classroom

Puppet Pals 2 by Polished Play LLC is one of our new favorite apps. The newest version helps students use higher order thinking skills through interactive scenes as they present their learning. We love this app because it engages our students and in some cases is easier than writing things down. The 2nd version has many new features over the first that include scrolling scenes, moving mouths and bodies, and characters can be placed in vehicles. There is a free version and a paid version. In most cases the free version has enough features. The main difference with the paid version is you can add your own faces into the app (similar to JibJab).  Here is an example I made in less than five minutes about adjectives. 

It is extremely easy to play around with! Or click here for a tutorial. I have to give a big thanks to the technology coach in my building for finding this app. What a find!

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