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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kicking Off The School Year: You ARE Awesome!

In a little over two weeks, we will be returning to our classrooms to work with the most important younger people of the world.  Among meetings, workshops, meet and greets, technology, the new list of "news," organizing the classroom, there is so much anticipation.  But, we love that our job allows us to start fresh every year with a new and refreshed excitement!

Throughout the next few weeks, we will post different videos to inspire you.  To make you smile.  To let you know that you are have one of the most important jobs…EVER.  You are patient and persevering.  Innovative and inspiring.  Creative and committed.  Delightful and devoted. Compassionate and compelling.  YOU are an educator and YOU are invaluable.

Here is one of our favorites, and a very popular one too.  (We're guessing you've probably seen it!)

Wishing we could have as much pep in our step as the Kid President!

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