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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Book of the Week: Wemberly Worried


Wemberly was a worrier. She worried in the morning, worried at night and worried throughout the day. When it was time to go to school,  Wemberly seem to worry more than ever. Her mother, father and grandmother told her not to worry and that she would love school. This does not help and Wemberly’s list of “what if’s” grow and grow. On the first day Mrs. Peachum introduces her to Jewel a new friend who also likes stripes. They sat side by side and played when they could. With her new friend, Wemberly worried “no more than usual, and sometimes even less.” In the end she learns she does not have to worry as school is a fun and friendly place to be. This book is geared for kindergarten through second grade, but the themes of having worries, friendship, starting something new are universal to students of all ages. 

Story Questions:

What was Wemberly’s problem? 
Why do you think she worried so much? 
What makes you worried?
What did her parents do to help Wemberly? 
What do your parents do to help you? 
Who is Wemberly’s doll?
Where is Wemberly at the beginning of the story? 
Where is she in the middle of the story? 
Where is she at the end?
What is Wemberly’s biggest worry about going to school? 
Do you think any of these worries are real? 
Who was Wemberly’s teacher? 
Who is Wemberly’s new friend? 
What did Wemberly learn on her first day of school? 


Worry- to think about your difficulties or troubles 

Petal- brightly colored parts of a flower surrounding the center

Radiator- something that gives off heat in a building

Bolts- metal pin or bar for holding

Peek- sneak a look

Tomorrow- the day after today

Extension Ideas:

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