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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Grocery Store Ideas: Thinking, Language and Math

Everyone eats. As well everyone grocery shops (unless you are fortunate enough to have your groceries delivered). For me I enjoy this routine but for many families it can be a chore to bring their children along.  Here are some easy activities to incorporate learning at the grocery store, and hopefully will also reduce frustration in your toddler or pre-k students. 

Toddler ideas:

Simple Describing: While you are at the store talk about the items on your list. Hold up the item and describe colors, shapes and sizes. “Look red tomatoes” or “We need a small jar.” 

Unpack and Repeat: As you unpack your groceries at home have your child repeat each item 

Parent, “Say Pasta”  

Child, “ Pasta.”


I spy ________! Play I spy from the items on your shopping list. See if your child or children can help you spot items. Where are the bananas?

Fill the Bag: To keep your preschooler occupied by giving them a reusable shopping bag. Let them fill it as they go. They are helping and have their hands occupied. 

Picture Lists: There are several blogs and websites that have picture lists so your child can cross off the list as you go. Here are a few…..Here…..Here…..Here.

Letter Look: Have your preschooler look at the letters on labels as you shop. See if they can spot any letters on items. Do you see "M"? Can you see the "r" What letter does it end with?

K/1st grade:

List it: Have your child help you make a shopping list, have them spell items the best they can and then read it to you as you place items in the cart.

Category questions: Your child is old enough now to answer some reasoning questions. Why not these- What group does a banana go in? What is dairy? Why do you think we have to put it in the freezer? How many things can you name that are protein? 

Count it, Add it: As you go through and get several items count each one. See if your child can count all the items. As you need multiples of items also see if your child can handle simple adding, “Ok we have 3 peppers and 1 cucumber, how many veggies do we have?“

I am thinking of? Have your child describe items to you. Take turns by saying I am thinking of something that is____________ ? Giving three attributes something crunchy, salty and comes in a bag? It uses both inferring skills and expressive language skills.

2nd-4th Grade:

Map it: Have your child give you directions as to where to go in the grocery store based on your list.  Ask clarifying questions is it next to the ________, or Shouldn’t we go to the ___________?

Dollars and Sense: Give your child cash and see if they can figure out how many items they can purchase. Start small with 5 dollars or less.

Where in the world?: Our food comes from all over. Look at labels on food items and discuss where in the world they came from, what a country is like, what language they speak. etc.

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