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Friday, September 5, 2014

Book of the Week: First Day Jitters

For the first week of Speech (next week :) We are reading "First Day Jitters" by Julie Danneberg. I love to present this book during the first week of speech, as it gets students thinking about their own back-to-school impressions and is a great book for predicting and problem-solving (as it has a twist at the end.) 

Sarah is hiding under her covers as Mr. Hartwell asks, "You don't want to miss the first day at your new school, do you?" From under the blanket she replies, "I'm not going." When he reminds her how much she liked her other school and asks her to think of all the new friends she'll meet, she imagines a classroom where a paper airplane is flying, a boy is pulling his neighbor's pigtail, and another is blowing a gigantic bubble.
Mr. Hartwell finally gets Sarah to stumble out of bed, eat a bit of toast, and get into the car where she slumps down into her seat. At school, the principal cheerfully welcomes her and takes her to the classroom where she is introduced as "Mrs. Sarah Jane Hartwell," the new teacher. The joke provides a good laugh and children may find it reassuring that they are not alone in their anxieties about new situations.  

** Summary Taken from  

Story Questions:

Why is Sarah in Bed? 
Who tries to get her up? 
What does Mr. Hartwell do to get Sarah out of bed? 
What is today that is so special? 
Have you ever been the "new kid?" How did it feel? 
What happened on your first day of school this year? 
What was special about your new classroom? 
What would you change about your new class? 
What happens in the middle of the story ? 
What happens at the end of the story? 
Was your prediction correct? 
Do you think your teacher is as nervous as Ms. Hartwell? 


Stumbled- to trip.
Moaned- to make a sound in pain.
Clammy- being damp and cold.
Nonsense-things that have no meaning.
Slumped-to slide down.
Trudged: to walk slowly

Lesson Ideas:

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