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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Book of The Week:Liar Liar Pants on Fire

This week our book is "Liar Liar Pants on Fire" and the sequel to "Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink." In this installment Gilbert is having a bad day. He is worried about having lines to say in his play. When the roles are given out he is assigned a main part of playing George Washington. After trying on the president hat and practicing, Gilbert is much more confident in his ability to talk in front of others. Because he enjoys his role so much, he decides to sneak the hat home. When he returns to school the next day, the hat is gone and Gilbert can't find it. Gilbert at first lies about taking the hat and then he stands back while others accuse each other of taking the hat and lying. After he is confronted by his teacher he fesses up to losing the hat, just like George Washington when he chopped down the cherry tree. This book looks more closely at important life lessons of being nervous, listening to others and honesty. Great book for teaching citizenship and reviewing George Washington! 


President- the elected head of a nation, company or organization.
Truth- the quality or state of being true.
Lie–False statement made.
Know it All-A person who acts as though they know everything.
Three-Cornered hat- Style of Hat worn by George Washington or other men in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s.
Suppose- To assume to be true
Mistake-Error or Fault Resulting from defective Judgment


What lesson do you think Gilbert and his friends learned? 
In what ways was Gilbert dishonest?
Why did Gilbert and Margaret accuse Phillip?
Who was George Washington? Do you think he said “I cannot tell a lie?”
How do you think Gilbert and his classmates should handle it next time?
Do you think Mrs. Byrd handled the situation in the right way? 
How do you feel when you are truthful? Why?
How do you feel when you lie? Why?

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