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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What's In The Bag?- Valentine Articulation

This year I have several students who are at the sentence or even conversation level for articulation. To incorporate some holiday fun this week we will play What's In The Bag. Let me just state that there are maybe a dozen ways to play this game and none are wrong. I will tell you how we plan to play but you can change it up as you see fit.To start you have one student leave the group with the bag full of the objects. They will return with just one object in the bag. Other students in the group ask yes or no questions to see if they can figure out the object. If they need additional clues the student in charge of the bag can give them more of a description. Everyone practices their sounds in sentences or conversation. This game does not have a winner per say, but is fun and something different. 

It can be changed to a directions following or describing, comparing/contrasting activity as well for language students. 

Here are the photos:

The objects we have are a combination of things from a dollar store or left over decorations from past school years. 

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