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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Book Of The Week: Ish

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds
Summary: Ramon loved to draw.  He drew everything everywhere until his brother, Leon, made a rude comment about one of his drawings.  Leon's comment stuck with Ramon, and he became critical of every drawing he did until he finally gave up on it.  It wasn't until Ramon's sister, Marisol, made one small comment that made him see things differently.  


Haunt - to come to the mind or memory of very often
Snap - to suddenly shout in an angry way
Sneer - a look that shows a lack of respect or angry
To Fall Silent - to suddenly become quiet
Exclaim - to say something in a loud voice with a lot of feeling
(to feel) light - to be free from worry
Inspire - to give someone the desire or courage to do something
Capture - to get control by planning or by force
Savor - to enjoy something


Before reading the book, share the title and ask the students to make a prediction about the book.
How did Ramon feel about drawing at the very beginning of the book?  How did his feelings change after his brother's comment?
How did Leon's comment change Ramon's attitude about drawing?  
What was Ramon's reaction when he saw Marisol's bedroom filled with his crumpled pictures?
The author shared that Ramon began to see his drawings "in a whole new way."  What did he mean?
How did Marisol change Ramon's attitude about drawing?
How is Marisol different that Leon?
What is something that you enjoy doing?  Do you have the same passion as Ramon?  Why do you think that?
What makes something "art?"  Is it perfection?  Is it a vision?
What lesson did you learn from this book?

Extension Activities:

Teaching With Picture Books
Teach Kids Art

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