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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Book of the Week: Since We're Friends

"Since We're Friends" is our book of the week to highlight autism awareness month. This story written by Celeste Shally, introduces us to two friends who have lots in common including the love of  sports and animals. The story is narrated by a "friend" who talks about his neighbor, Matt (who has autism).  For those of you looking for a book to explain autism to your classroom students this is perfect. It outlines, "how to be a friend" to a child with autism by walking the reader through Matt's sensory needs and very specific interests. Your students will enjoy this story and it may even remind them of someone they know! 

What time of year does the story takes place? 
What do the friend and Matt do together? 
How does his friend help Matt at the swimming pool?
How does his friend help Matt at the at basketball?
What happens when they try to catch fireflies? 
What happens when Matt talks about Animals? 
How does the story end? 
How could you be a friend to someone with Autism? 
Extension Activities:

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