Well, it's been quite a while friends. Our apologies! Life has taken us for a bit of a ride over the last few months. Since our last post in April, we have ended the school year, gone on vacation, celebrated the Fourth, and enjoyed many coffee shop work sessions. Here's a few highlights of our summer:
Theme Day fun with our friend, Denise!
Moving down the hall (Angie) and out of the building (Annie)!
Big B's kindergarten graduation (Angie)!
Celebrating little B's first birthday (Angie)!
A quick trip to Chicago to see...
The Bean!
A trip to the local zoo, including the seal show!
And gorillas, too!
Family visit in St. Louis! Fun at the Myseum (Angie)!
An appendectomy 😩 (Angie)
New driveway...homeownership is expensive!
Hiking and Swimming with D and H (Annie).
Hiking and Swimming with D and H (Annie).
New driveway...homeownership is expensive!
Annie moves school districts 😥. While Angie is super sad about her moving on, she knows it is the will be a good fit. With Angie's new role as an ASD teacher, she has decided to back to school to get her ASD license, (This adventure is proving that going through grad school one isn't enough. HA!) Needless to say, we will be busy learning in our new roles. We will be better about posting 😇, but we will not be committed to book of the week. Stay tuned to our new chapters!

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