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Monday, August 25, 2014

Its a Speech Party

For the past six years the National Stuttering Association has put on speech party events in major cities for children who stutter. This year, an event is headed to Minneapolis and will be Saturday September 27th from 8:30 to 12. It is a great opportunity for students with fluency needs to connect with other kids who stutter and is a great support for families. It is geared toward students in elementary-high school and is motivating and fun. On Monday I got a flyer in the mail and I currently don't have a single family on my school caseload to give it to. So, I thought I would share the information here in hopes to reach some parent or families in the Twin Cities. Here is an overview of the event in pictures:


Dates and Times




Hope this is helpful for someone out there! For other events put on by the National Stuttering Association check out the link here.

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