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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Aurisma App

My new favorite tool for student engagement is an App called Aurisma. It is an app that is a free from the iTunes Store or Android Market. It can best be described as an augmented reality app. Aurisma  allows you to augment reality by taking a picture and adding more pictures or videos to the existing image in the app. Augmented reality is really just an extra a way to add further depth to your instruction.  For our students we have them hold their iPads over a book of the week with and instantly a video starts playing to offer additional information about the author or background of the story. It seems magical the first time and every time they use it. Please see the video below to also be amazed.

There are some wonderfully techie teachers out there who are also in blogosphere that have great ideas for you as well. Please click here to see how they use and create with Aurisma.

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