Image Map

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Skitch is an app that came out a few years ago and was developed by Evernote with the premise of using pictures, arrows and shapes to visually communicate ideas. It is available on both iTunes and Android market. I am impressed so far with the creativity that it allows. My plan this year is to use it with my language, articulation, and possibly with some fluency students. It is very simple, you download the app and then use a photo from your camera roll or by taking a new photo. It then allows you to add shapes, draw, write, or add arrows to the picture to get ideas across. Here is how to use it: 

Here is how I have used it so far:

To show placement of the /L/

To have students share what they loved this summer.

To have students infer how others are feeling or thinking.

How do you use Skitch?

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