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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Book Of The Week: Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett

Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett

Summary: Sassy Gingerbread Baby lives in the bedroom of a boy named Mattie.  When Mattie has plans to play with his friends and working in the kitchen, Gingerbread Baby decides to find friends of his own.  He happens to find a bakery, where he cartwheels, leaps, and sings to get the attention of a sugar cookie girl, white swans in a sugar frosting sea, and others.  When no one acknowledges him, he gives up and leaves the bakery for home, only to be chased by a mouse, a cat, the baker, his wife, and a red fox.  Narrowly escaping their capture, he returns home to find Gingerbread friends waiting for him.

  • scrumptious - tasty
  • lane - a narrow road or city street
  • peppy - full of energy
  • gallant - brave
  • elegant - fancy
  • plucky - adventurous
  • petticoats - a skirt worn under an outer skirt; a slip
  • coattails - the loose back part of a coat that is below the waist; it is often times divided into two parts
Where did Gingerbread Baby live?  Did he like living there?  Why or why not?
What happened when Mattie didn't spent time with Gingerbread Baby?
Where did Gingerbread Baby go when he left the house?
Who did Gingerbread Baby see at the bakery?  Did they want to be his friend?  How do you know?
Where did Gingerbread Baby go when no one wanted to be his friend at the bakery?
What happened to Gingerbread Baby while he slept?
Who followed Gingerbread Baby out of the bakery and to his house?
How did Gingerbread Baby feel when he made it home safely?
Who was waiting for Gingerbread Baby at home?
What do you think Mattie was doing in the kitchen before Gingerbread Baby even left the house for the bakery?

Extension Activities:
Board Game:
Gingerbread Description Writing:
Gingerbread Glyph:
Gingerbread Holiday Activities:

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